Monday, December 5, 2011

What used to be an old Towel

... became my first postnatal sewing project.

A lot of things you need for a baby you only find out when the baby is actually there (and I am not the best planner in the world anyway...), like a lot of (a whole lot of!) washcloths. Especially if you are trying to reduce waste and not use too many wet baby wipes. So before sending my lovely and oh-so-attentive husband (it's true) off to the store, my wonderful and experienced midwife (that's true, too) suggested to cut up an old towel. And having already experienced my love for the crafts (that's not too hard to find out coming to our house regularly), she also suggested that I could use my serger to neaten the sides and avoid fraying. Hooray, serger, here I come!

While Carolina was sleeping on the couch...

I went into whirlwind mode on the machine.

Practical, resourceful and PINK!

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