What started with an innocent purchase of 2 home magazines
last September, has snowballed into a major interest of mine. I am the target group right now!

I have tried lots of them - classic German Schöner Wohnen, Wohnidee, Elle Decoration (who buys a bathtub for 20 000 Euros?), the L-magazines: Lea, Lena, Laura and Lisa, special editions for wallpaper and paint, German magazines with trendy English titles: Living at Home, Living & More, We love Living. I started anticipating publication dates (that used to be the case with knitting magazines...) I look at them, I read them, I clip them, I buy stuff I see in them online. It is like learning a new language, a visual language, a language our new home starts speaking.
And I must say - I keep coming back to the ones I bought first: Living & More and We love Living, for their thrifty homespun feel.