Fruit: pineapple, apples, clementines, oranges
Vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, corn salad, cucumber, onions, red X-mas bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, Hokkaido pumpkin, avocado, parsley root
This is the last delivery of the fruit & vegetable box for 2011. And this will also be the last photographed and posted box. Not posted anymore, but still be eaten, for sure. This year we were convinced by the benefits of fresh, organic and mostly local produce - this baby of ours was born with the words fresh & organic written all over her body.
From 2012 I will be making new space on Saturdays.
Wishing you a yummy & peaceful Christmas season!
Hallo leibe Yoga-Strick Familie ;)
Euch auch schöne und ruhige Weihnachtstage und ein fantastisches Neues Jahr 2012!
Siri Shakti
Liebe natürlich ;))))
aber heißt es nicht doch so schön: liebe geht durch den leib?
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