With little decoration time at hand, it makes sense to choose the smallest room of the house for a feeling of achievement. Too many white tiles and white walls. After discarding the idea of painting the walls a light and crisp green because this might make the room feel even smaller, I turned to my stash of home magazines.
I cut out clippings of other people's bath- and restrooms I liked and pinned them on the tiles with Japanese Washi Tape.
Instead of a real mirror - this photo.
Double water tap.
Not a room of mine without a touch of pink.
(Bad means simply bath in German)
Like little windows to make the space appear bigger, more open and more interesting. And we have also a real window in there.
Still lots of white space left - and Washi Tape makes it easy to add, change or remove the decoration.
When Clara saw me working with paper and scissors, she wanted to join the making, of course. She found a place for it herself over the tub in the bathroom. And even if I worried a bit about the "not-perfectness" of it while I saw her making it, I find it quite charming now.
Just perfect.
Das ist ja toll! Gibt es dieses tape auch in Oldenburg zu kaufen oder nur über das Internet zu beziehen?
LG, Siri Shakti
ich habs im internet gekauft, wäre doch mal eine marktlücke für ol
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