(This is going to be a long post.)
To make space for all the new stuff that was about to come into our house I eventually found the time to do something that had been on my list for a while - declutter our wardrobes in Clara's room. I took radical measures - empty all the contents of the closet.
So much more fun with the help of two lovely ladies.
And my parents' she-dog.
(the men were watching sports in the living room)
And after:
Very proud.
The thrifting could start!
Clothes from a church sale on Saturday (remind me of Clara's Clothes...).
A couple of weeks ago in my chatter from the sewing box I kind of asked the blogging universum for a knitting basket. I got an answer from a basket that had been in an attic for twenty years (my parents').
A knitting bag full of vintage fabrics from the Eighties from the East (Soviet Union, bought by my mama) and the West (Western Germany,
I had a grandaunt who was a textile designer, the basket is also a one of her gifts).
And then my grandaunt Ilse, who was also very well-traveled, went to the Soviet Union and bought these tunics (the left one is hand embroidered with cross stitch).
Those tunics were only available in hard currency shops called "Beryoska"("little birch").
Filled with these fabulous fabrics I thought I was pretty immune to the big Dutch fabric market (more about it in this post) that comes to Oldenburg twice a year.
Pretty immune.
PS: A new entrant to the Doll Couch. For weeks and weeks I have been hearing a certain b-word over and over from Clara. So I said: if Barbie, then thrifted.
befitting her rank on the vintage chaise longue
1 comment:
Fleißiges Mädchen!!! Ich sollte eigentlich auch mal wieder so etwas machen, aber ich war am Wochenende unfähig, irgend etwas zu tun (Migräne). Aber bald...
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