Saturday, August 4, 2012


It can be fun being a tourist in the town where you grew up. I left Rostock right after school some 16 years ago and it is usually only once a year we as a family go there in summer. To see what has changed and what is still there. The house where I had my first own apartment - gone. The student nightclub where I danced to sixties music - gone. My first school - gone. My second school - shut down. My third school - roof cut off, but still there, all renovated in her Bauhaus style (sounds like I survived some kind of war...).

The old has gone, the new has come... New places for me:

Yarn shop Pruenkist (their website here) - really big with a huge range of wool, buttons, fabrics and accessories. Courses and knit nights.

Indian and Singapore-inspired restaurants Jyoti and Arjun.

We had a good vegetarian lunch at Jyoti, which means light or flame.

Another flame that accompanied family life this week:

The Olympic flame in London accompanied by Russian bubliki - more from the Russian side of family, knitting, sewing, handmade birthday gifts and painted stones in the days to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hach! Bubliks kenne ich auch :) schlägt jeden cantucci oder welchen keks auch immer wenn es um teegebäck geht. zumidest war das damals DAS teegebäck unserer zeit. ach ja ... ich werde nostalgisch :)

sat namchen, siri shakti