Even when it looks quite minimalistic in the picture, the cover is not really beautiful in real life. I wanted a pretty catcouch-y cover.
I took the measurements of Miss Carina Comfort and drew a simple sketch for the design, basically just a long rectangle forming the front, back and top, and two small rectangles for the side, plus seam allowances.
I don't know where I made a mistake (I mean at which point of my thinking, because I know where I was while I figured the measurements out - on the floor playing with baby Carolina), but when I pinned the pieces together to start sewing - a couple of centimeters were missing. I had already ironed on the facing to the fabric and it was close to midnight, so I just added some matryoschka-fabric in-between.
Then sewing was a breeze and I was glad that I had just recently practiced lining up edges with the door stops.
Quite happy with the outcome - interesting case of vision distortion in the picture above, considering the fact that all the angles of the cover are 90°.
When I looked at Carina's new cover I had the feeling that something was still missing...
... the icing on the cake!
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