I am here. Multnomah. Not the county, but the finished shawl. Starting the trip on January 3rd I arrived there last Wednesday, at last. Two skeins of Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn. The shawl in progress was carried around, taken to the Bremen Town Musicians and waited patiently while I was facing the mental challenge of skeins of wool that didn't seem to get smaller and endless rows.
But then, while watching the six-hour-marathon Royal Wedding of Wool & Cake and knitting, I began to see the finishing line.
I have never been to Multnomah County and don't know what the landscape looks like, but my Multnomah is vast (a wingspan of 173 cm or 5' 8'') with long plains of garter stitch and soft rolling hills.
Breathe out.
(Ravelry notes here)
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