Some say knitting is the new yoga or yoga-on-the-go. Being a yoga teacher I doubt that. I like the combination of both. What yoga and knitting do have in common is the relaxing effect (once you get past the sometimes frustrating beginner level). For me, knitting is more like a meditation practice. Like for Meera who commented to my post Knitting in India, she uses knitting like a rosary, a mantra for every stitch.
You probably would not come into a headstand while waiting at the bus stop, but you can safely take out your knitting (until your hands get really cold in this winter weather).
and knit on the bus
Waiting time is premium knitting time. I am happily embracing every opportunity to knit.
at the bank counter
in line at the farmers' market (our veggie box is nearly used up)
It makes me patient, even when I am a patient (pun intended)...
... waiting for a massage at the physical therapist.
I like to pretend that the recent tension in my right shoulder does not come from knitting. Medical research proves how healing knitting is.
On all levels. It even blocks pain...
Regular exercise and walking are also known to be good for you.
I enhance the healthy effects of a moderate cardiovascular training outdoors with my favourite concentration practice, knitting-on-the-go.
walking around the block
But I still need to figure out how to knit while riding my bike.
The new yoga again - yoga and knitting do go together in my life.
I knit before classes.
And then there are the classic spots for knitting, of course. Last Knit Night I knit with this cute little baby on my lap, his ex utero premiere.
But my favourite knitting spot in the world remains here...
... on the couch (in yoga pants).
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